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The CREATE (Crowdsourcing Evidence, Argumentation, Thinking and Evaluation) program

Filed in Ideas ,Research News


IARPA (the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity) seeks thousands of people to test the analytic methods developed for the CREATE (Crowdsourcing Evidence, Argumentation, Thinking and Evaluation) program.

CREATE is a multi-million-dollar, multi-year R\&D effort to improve the core process of intelligence analysis for national security: making well-reasoned inferences from incomplete information. If effective, CREATE analytic tools could greatly assist other disciplines that depend on good reasoning, including law, medicine, and public policy.

The Create Better Reasoning Study seeks people to test innovative reasoning and problem solving tools. Ideal participants like to Learn new tools and techniques to evaluate and share evidence Develop well-reasoned, evidence-based solutions to complex problems Explain their reasoning clearly and convincingly

Participants will spend 2-3 hours/week for 9 weeks working alone or in teams to discuss, develop and document solutions to challenging problems. Along the way, you will learn and use special software that helps with CRowdsourcing Evidence, Analysis, Thinking and Evaluation (CREATE).

You can join CREATE if you
Are 18 or older
Have at least some college education
Read and write English fluently
Have reliable internet access and will accept cookies from the study website

Your contribution could shape the future of intelligence and problem solving tools.

Ready to Join?

Here is the signup page.


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