WHAT MAKES JDM DISTINCT By Dan Goldstein As you navigate the academic world, you will inevitably have an exchange in which people ask you what field you are in. You will reply that you do JDM and people will ask you what JDM means. You will say “judgment and decision making” and then they will […]
STANDARD ERRORS VS STANDARD DEVIATIONS Click to enlarge There’s an ancient haiku that goes: People confuse a well-estimated mean with a certain outcome Ok, that’s not true. But Jake Hofman, Dan Goldstein, and Jessica Hullman have a new paper (recently accepted at CHI 2020) about this. They bet you’ll think the results of their paper […]
MEMORIZE e TO 15 PLACES We recently asked a large group of people the question In the number e, how many places to the right of the decimal does the string ‘1828459045’ first occur? Many people replied “two”, which is wrong, but indicates that many people know that e is equal to 2.71828something Assuming you, […]
ONLY THREE DAYS LEFT TO SUBMIT: DEADLINE APRIL 14, 2019 Introducing a competition for graph design! Can you design a graph that BEST conveys the magnitude of the difference between two groups? Enter your graph into the contest! Details can be found here (Deadline April 14, 2019): http://amplab.colostate.edu/SYTYCG_S1/SYTYCG_Season1_ContestOverview.pdf Please distribute to other groups and individuals […]
TEST YOUR ESTIMATION SKILLS Click to enlarge Suppose you are looking at the roughly normally distributed data above and you want to visually estimate the standard deviation. What would you guess? 20? 35? How would you do it? In a past post we talked about tips for drawing a normal distribution. In it, we noted […]
WIND SPEEDS UP HEAT LOSS Twenty years ago, a German colleague asked me what the deal was with wind chill. I guess they didn’t have it in Germany. I explained it was an attempt to communicate how it feels when there is a low temperature combined with wind. But my colleague wanted to know how […]
TEST WHETHER PREDICTION MARKETS PREDICT REPLICATION AT YOUR JOURNAL This week we present a letter from a group embarking on an interesting project in which journals work with the team in order to test the effectiveness of prediction markets for predicting how well experiments replicate. “Recent attempts to systematically replicate samples of published experiments in […]
VIEWS FROM A VETERAN EDITOR After 13 years of editing journals (Journal of Marketing, International Journal of Marketing Research, Journal of Service Research), Roland Rust wrote up some of his thoughts on the review process. We quote here some bits we found interesting. You can read the full article here: Reflections on the review process […]
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USING A YEAR TO THINK ABOUT HOW LONG YOU NEED TO WAIT FOR A STREAK Click to enlarge The twitter account Maths Ed Ideas took one of our old posts and put it into perspective. If you had flipped a coin once every day of the year so far, you would be more than 99% […]
PERCEIVED TEMPERATURE Click to enlarge (We got a request for a Celsius version of this post and since we are a full service website we created one and put it here). So, we were wondering, what’s this heat index we hear about? We went to the Wikipedia article on it. It is an index that […]