IC2S2: 6th International Conference on Computational Social Science, MIT, July 17-20, 2020
Call For Papers
IC2S2 brings together researchers in computational science, complexity, and social science, and provides a platform for new work in the field of computational social science.
Contributed abstracts are presented orally in parallel thematic sessions or as posters at the three day conference, which takes place at MIT in Cambridge, Massachusetts from July 17 to 20. For details, visit http://2020.ic2s2.org.
Regular abstract submission
IC2S2 solicits abstracts from researchers in the social sciences with a clear component of computation, simulation or data analysis or data science. This includes for example sociology, psychology, communication science, anthropology, media studies, political science, public health, and economics. In addition, contributions from computer science, data science, and computational science with real-world applications in the social sciences or related fields, are welcome. We emphatically welcome abstracts that try to integrate both components. This is not limited to empirical studies; more general theoretical contributions are also welcome.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Network analysis of social systems
- Large-scale social experiments
- Agent-based or other simulations of social phenomena
- Text analysis and natural language processing (NLP) of social phenomena
- Cultural patterns and dynamics
- Computational science studies (sociology of science)
- Social news curation and collaborative filtering
- Social media studies
- Theoretical discussions in computational social science
- Causal inference and computational methods for social science
- Ethics in computational social sciences
- Reproducibility in computational social science
- Large scale infrastructure in computational social science
- Novel digital data sources
- Computational analyses for addressing societal challenges
- Methods and analyses of observational social data
- Computational social science research in industry
Submission guidelines
Contributions to the conference should be submitted via EasyChair at:
Please follow the extended abstract template guidelines for Word (ic2s2-word-template.docx) and LaTeX (ic2s2-latex-template.zip) for formatting instructions. Note that abstracts should be submitted as a PDF file no larger than 20MB. Submissions that exceed the 2-page limit (including figures and references) will be automatically rejected.
The extended abstract should include a title and a list of 5 keywords, but no authors’ names or affiliations. The abstract should outline the main contribution, data and methods used, results, and the impact of the work. Authors are encouraged to include one figure in their submission (the figure counts towards the page limit).
Please do not include authors’ names and affiliations in the submitted document, as peer review will be double blind. Each extended abstract will be reviewed by multiple members of the Program Committee, composed of experts in computational social science.
When submitting on EasyChair you will be asked to provide information about the authors and their affiliations and to include a one-sentence summary of the extended abstract (20-50 words). The summary will be used for assigning reviewers. You can indicate a preference for an oral presentation or a poster presentation, but your preference may not be honored in the final decision.
Submissions will be non-archival, and the presented work can be already published, in preparation for publication elsewhere, or ongoing research. Submission implies willingness to present a talk or poster at the conference.
Important Dates
Note: all deadlines are AoE.
- February 16, 2020 – Regular abstract submission deadline
- April 12, 2020 – Acceptance notification
- May 1, 2020: Early bird registration deadline
- June 8, 2020: Registration deadline
- July 17 — 20, 2020: Conference
Submit here: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ic2s2-2020
Already uploaded submissions can be improved and updated as long as the deadline has not yet passed.
Questions or remarks regarding the CfP and submission process? Reach out to the program chairs at ic2s2-2020@easychair.org.