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Journal of Consumer Psychology (JCP) Special Issue: Consumer Psychology for the Greater Good


Every day, consumers make a myriad of decisions that have the ability to affect the greater good, which we define as the collective well-being of the broader social group. Such decisions range from deciding whether or not to speak up in the face of unfair practices to accurately reporting one’s financial information on their taxes to understanding and empowering vulnerable consumers. Given their broad communal consequences, such decisions are of great interest to a variety of constituencies, including policy makers, non-profit organizations, communities, and marketers, as well as individuals. Accordingly, theory-driven inquiry into the antecedents and consequences of consumer behaviors that serve the greater good offers great theoretical and practical value.

Consumer psychology over the past several decades has made substantive contributions to the understanding of consumer behavior; however, research truly motivated by impacting the greater good has remained limited. To be clear, there is a difference between research motivated by the greater good versus research that is relevant to the greater good. In the former, the genesis of the research is a problem motivated by the greater good; in the latter, the greater good might be referenced as a loosely-related implication drawn from a broader inquiry. This Special Issue in JCP seeks research that fits the former category.

The research could propose novel theories of how to promote the greater good, question whether outcomes stereotypically thought of as generating greater good indeed serve the greater good, or even propose downstream problems that a quest for greater good might create. Applications of existing consumer decision making theories to promote the greater good are welcome, but only as long as a greater good problem is central to the paper and the application is consequential.

Submitted manuscripts could either be Research Reports or Research Articles in standard JCP format. All submissions are encouraged to provide complete methodological and other details in accompanying web appendices. To see the full call for papers, including a list of potential (non-binding) areas of investigation, visit: https://www.jcpthegreatergood.com/

Deadline for initial manuscript submission: August 1, 2019. Authors are encouraged to submit manuscripts early and any time before the submission deadline as papers will be evaluated on a rolling basis.

Co-Editors: Kelly Goldsmith & Aparna A. Labroo


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