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A room with a Wu

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The University of Chicago Graduate School of Business, Center for Decision Research anticipates hiring a Postdoctoral Fellow for a period of one to two years, with a starting date of August 2006. The Postdoctoral Fellow will serve as the lab manager of the Graduate School of Business’s Decision Research Laboratory, and will coordinate laboratory research projects for the faculty and PhD students. We anticipate that the lab manager will be a half-time position. Depending on qualifications and interests, the position may also offer teaching responsibilities. Salary will be competitive.

The Center for Decision Research at University of Chicago includes a group of researchers interested in the study of judgment and decision making, social psychology, marketing, organizational behavior, and behavioral and experimental economics (Nicholas Epley, Ayelet Fishbach, Linda Ginzel, Uri Gneezy, Reid Hastie, Chistopher Hsee, Joshua Klayman, Aparna Labroo, Ann McGill, Tanya Menon, Suresh Ramanathan, Richard Thaler, Bernd Wittenbrink, and George Wu). The group runs weekly workshop and brownbag seminars. More information on the group and our activities is available at: www.chicagocdr.org.

This position is open to candidates who have recently earned their Ph.D., or who are expecting their degree in 2006, in any area of psychology, organizational behavior, or marketing. Familiarity with methods of experimentation is important. In particular, experience in conducting computer, web-based, and interpersonal interaction-based experiments is desirable.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, and a cover letter describing their research interests. Applicants may also wish to detail experience relevant to the lab manager duties. Selection will be based largely on the applicant’s ability to work collaboratively on research with one or more of the Center for Decision Research faculty members. The applicant should indicate one or two faculty members with whom they would be most interested in working (see www.chicagocdr.org for a list of the faculty and links to their homepages).

Review of applications will commence on March 15, 2006 and will continue until the position is filled.

Applications should be sent to

Professor George Wu
Graduate School of Business
University of Chicago
5807 S. Woodlawn Avenue
Chicago, IL 60637
wu at gsb dot uchicago dot edu
(773) 834-0519

Applicants are encouraged to apply via electronic mail.

Questions concerning the position can be addressed by electronic mail to George Wu: wu at gsb dot uchicago dot edu

The University of Chicago is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

DSN is a proud alumni of the U of C.