TWO SHOT RUSSIAN ROULETTE WITH 2 BULLETS OR AN EQUAL CHANCE OF 1 or 3 BULLETS With p as the probability of dying on one shot, this figure shows how to get the probability of living through the game. Peter Ayton is giving a talk today at the London Judgement and Decision Making Seminar Imagine […]
Here’s another rule of three, this one in statistics.
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FIND YOUR BIRTHDAY IN PI, IN THREE DIFFERENT FORMATS It was Pi Day (March 14, like 3/14, like 3.14, get it?) recently and Time Magazine did a fun interactive app in which you can find your birthday inside the digits of pi. However: 1) They only used one format of birthday, in which July 4th […]
If you know R, you could building simple, accurate decision rules today with this sweet new package.
It just got a lot easier to simulate the performance of simple heuristics.
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How many calories should you eat per day, based on your age, sex, and activity level? Here are the US government’s recommendations.
We were surprised to see that R has passed SAS for scholarly use. We were surprised because we assumed this would have happened years ago.
Suppose you divide the range by four instead of taking the standard deviation. How accurate will you be?
The 25 US counties with the highest percentage of bachelors and graduate degrees.
We have a plan to make the conference’s review committee representative.