Build your own distribution builders

A distribution builder is a tool to elicit probability distributions from people. Now you can make your own.
A distribution builder is a tool to elicit probability distributions from people. Now you can make your own.
If you know R, you could building simple, accurate decision rules today with this sweet new package.
It just got a lot easier to simulate the performance of simple heuristics.
Two recent events in the UK made it look like prediction markets’ predictions aren’t worth much. But looks can be deceiving.
We were surprised to see that R has passed SAS for scholarly use. We were surprised because we assumed this would have happened years ago.
Suppose you divide the range by four instead of taking the standard deviation. How accurate will you be?
The 25 US counties with the highest percentage of bachelors and graduate degrees.
The Wall Street Journal gets the definition of percentile backwards.
VISUALIZING COUNTRIES IN TERMS OF US STATES Syria is about the size of Florida with about the same population Change how you see the world. Put things into perspective! In our most labor-intensive post ever, Jake Hofman and I have created, for every country in the world, a way to think of that […]
JDM (Judgment and Decision Making) researchers like Reid Hastie and Tom Wallsten have participated in the online interview series “Talking about Decisions” produced by the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin.