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Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory (DMIDI)

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Decision Science News does not like arguments that ‘people’, on average, do (or do not) use a certain decision making strategy. If half the people use the strategy, and half do not, on average it looks like everyone does a little bit, even when the average is as vacant as a volleyball. It’s like the joke about three statisticians who go duck hunting. The first shoots too high, the second shoots too low, and the third yells out “we hit it”!

The good news is Elke Weber, Kerry Milch, Michel Hangraaf and Kirstin Appelt are releasing their new database of individual difference measures used in JDM research, the Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory (www.dmidi.net).

Kirsten writes:

I’m very excited to announce that the Decision Making Individual Differences Inventory (DMIDI — rhymes with “p. diddy”) is now live at http://www.sjdm.org/dmidi/.

Developed at Columbia University, the DMIDI is a database of over 150 individual difference measures commonly used in judgment and decision research. Because it categorizes and provides basic descriptive information for all of these measures, the DMIDI is designed to be a resource for researchers, students, and practitioners.

The website is designed to be user-friendly. We welcome any feedback–additional measure information, new measures to add, corrections, etc. Please direct comments/questions to me at dmidi.net@gmail.com.

We hope that you will find the DMIDI useful!
~Kirstin Appelt

Photo credit:http://www.flickr.com/photos/seraphimc/91337745/
Decision Science News received a promotional consideration from P Diddy in exchange for this announcement.


  1. Arjan Haring says:

    great stuff, I see links with other fields that also don’t like the average person: Persona’s as used in Human Computer Interaction, and Micro-segments in Datamining.

    And I just love the mention of P.Diddy.

    P.s. We had some great research in Holland that was about how scent (of dish washing liquid) influences peoples decisions on whether they should clean up. It had the great name of “Smells like clean spirit”. How cool are you if you can use your favourite rockstar in your research?

    November 6, 2009 @ 7:05 am

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