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Monthly Archive November, 2012

How did they decide on daylight savings time?

Filed in Encyclopedia ,Ideas
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How did they decide when and by how much to make the “daylight savings time” adjustment?

How to get rid of your coins when leaving a foreign country

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A friend recently asked us what to do with his large and unintentional collection of foreign coins left over from many international trips. He was surprised to learn that currency exchanges won’t take them. Since hanging onto coins between foreign trips is annoying (*), we recommend the following two practices for putting small change to purposeful use.

How to tell which side your exit is on

Filed in Ideas ,Tools
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In response to last week’s surprisingly popular “How to tell which side the gas cap is on”, we received a number of emails, one by our friend and co-author Preston McAfee, who shares a tip that also helps driving by letting you know in advance on which side your exit will be.

How to tell which side the gas cap is on

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At Decision Science News, we rent a lot of cars. Somewhere along the road of life (ha), we learned that the little triangle next to the fuel gauge points to the gas-cap side of the car. Guess you’ll need to find some other occasion to practice your backing-up-while-turning skills.