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Monthly Archive April, 2011

Advising the Advisers

Filed in Ideas ,Research News
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Shlomo Benartzi, Nick Barberis, Kent Daniel, Dan Goldstein, Noah Goldstein, John Payne and Richard Thaler make up the Academic Advisory Board of the Allianz Global Investors Center for Behavioral Finance. Based on interviews with this set, the Center has released a white paper entitled “Behavioral Finance in Action Psychological challenges in the financial advisor/client relationship, and strategies to solve them”. It is basically advice for financial advisers, written with the conviction that if advisers know more about psychology, they’ll be able to provide better advice.

10th TIBER symposium on Psychology and Economics

Filed in Conferences ,SJDM ,SJDM-Conferences
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10th TIBER symposium on Psychology and Economics

Social Psychology professorship in Basel, Switzerland

Filed in Jobs
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The University of Basel, Switzerland has an very strong psychology department going under dean Ralph Hertwig (DSN has visited to confirm this). If you are looking for a job in the heart of Europe, this is an attractive one.

Not that you should apply for other reasons than intrinsic motivation, but we should mention that Swiss academic salaries are really, really high.

Seek and you shall find

Filed in Books ,Ideas
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ONE IN TWENTY P = .05 RESULTS IS A FALSE ALARM ON AVERAGE If you’re not familiar with xkcd and you are a reader of Decision Science News, that’s a source of dissonance in the universe that merits dissolving. Enjoy today’s post (above), and if you are like us, you might want to make the […]