CODEBOOK Subject Unique participant ID Age Age in years Female 1 if female, 0 if male EarningsVoting Actual paid earnings from voting task EarningsTP Actual paid earnings from time pressure manipulation NrApprovalsNo Average number of alternatives approved of in AV rounds without Time Pressure NrApprovalsTP Average number of alternatives approved of in AV rounds with Time Pressure ElicitedNoPV Proportion of elicited-sincere PV voting decisions without Time Pressure ElicitedTPPV Proportion of elicited-sincere PV voting decisions with Time Pressure ElicitedNoAV Proportion of elicited-sincere AV voting decisions without Time Pressure ElicitedTPAV Proportion of elicited-sincere AV voting decisions with Time Pressure InducedNoPV Proportion of induced-sincere PV voting decisions without Time Pressure InducedTPPV Proportion of induced-sincere PV voting decisions with Time Pressure InducedNoAV Proportion of induced-sincere AV voting decisions without Time Pressure InducedTPAV Proportion of induced-sincere AV voting decisions with Time Pressure RTNo Average Response Time over rounds without Time Pressure RTTP Average Response Time over rounds with Time Pressure RTNoPV Average Response Time over PV rounds without Time Pressure RTTPPV Average Response Time over PV rounds with Time Pressure RTNoAV Average Response Time over AV rounds without Time Pressure RTTPAV Average Response Time over AV rounds with Time Pressure RTElicitedSincereNoPV Average RT of elicited-sincere PV decisions without Time Pressure RTElicitedUnsincereNoPV Average RT of elicited-unsincere PV decisions without Time Pressure RTElicitedSincereTPPV Average RT of elicited-sincere PV decisions with Time Pressure RTElicitedUnsincereTPPV Average RT of elicited-unsincere PV decisions with Time Pressure RTElicitedSincereNoAV Average RT of elicited-sincere AV decisions without Time Pressure RTElicitedUnsincereNoAV Average RT of elicited-unsincere AV decisions without Time Pressure RTElicitedSincereTPAV Average RT of elicited-sincere AV decisions with Time Pressure RTElicitedUnsincereTPAV Average RT of elicited-unsincere AV decisions with Time Pressure RTInducedSincereNoPV Average RT of induced-sincere PV decisions without Time Pressure RTInducedUnsincereNoPV Average RT of induced-unsincere PV decisions without Time Pressure RTInducedSincereTPPV Average RT of induced-sincere PV decisions with Time Pressure RTInducedUnsincereTPPV Average RT of induced-unsincere PV decisions with Time Pressure RTInducedSincereNoAV Average RT of induced-sincere AV decisions without Time Pressure RTInducedUnsincereNoAV Average RT of induced-unsincere AV decisions without Time Pressure RTInducedSincereTPAV Average RT of induced-sincere AV decisions with Time Pressure RTInducedUnsincereTPAV Average RT of induced-unsincere AV decisions with Time Pressure