Codebook for "MIST Measures Study - Clean Dataset.csv" This .csv file contains the cleaned dataset used in this study. The study was conducted on Qualtrics. The procedure for going from the raw Qualtrics file (MIST measures study - Qualtrics Export.csv) to this file can be found in the following scripts (in the "Scripts" folder): 1_MIST_Modes_Cleaning_1_(Qualtrics_to_Raw_Dataset)_final.R 2_MIST_Modes_Cleaning_2_(Raw_Dataset_to_Cleaned_Dataset)_final.R These scripts also contain all the necessary information on the exclusion criteria (attention checks etc.). In the clean dataset, variable naming is as follows: Individual MIST headlines are labelled as such: - F1 - F10 (for the false headlines) - R1 - R10 (for the real headlines) There are 8 conditions in this study (variable name: Condition), in each of which participants (variable name: Participant) were administered the 20 MIST items, as well as their level of confidence in their judgment. Each condition has a separate indicator (Condition name in the "Condition" column in brackets): - Accuracy (6 pt): Acc6_ (Condition name: Accuracy6) - Accuracy (7 pt): Acc7_ (Condition name: Accuracy7) - Reliability (7 pt): Rel_ (Condition name: Reliability) - Manipulativeness (7 pt): Man_ (Condition name: Manipulativeness) - Trustworthiness (7 pt): Tru_ (Condition name: Trustworthiness) - Real vs fake (6 pt): RF6_ (Condition name: RealFake6) - Real vs fake (7 pt): RF_ (Condition name: RealFake7) - Real vs fake (binary): Bin_ (Condition name: Binary) Confidence judgments are labelled as _conf. Reaction times are labelled as _RT. So, for example, false headline 7 from the "reliability" condition is called "Rel_F7". Its corresponding confidence judgment is called "Rel_F7_conf". Reaction times are called "Rel_F7_RT" and "Rel_F7_conf_RT", respectively. We also created columns with the raw MIST headline ratings for each condition. These are called "F1" (false MIST headline 1), "F1_conf", "F1_RT", and "F1_conf_RT" (et cetera). The converted MIST headline ratings (see Suppelementary Analysis S1 for how these are calculated) are called F1_converted, F2_converted (etc). The Veracity Discernment Ability (VDA), Real News Score (RNS) and Fake News Score (FNS) variables for the MIST-8 and MIST-20 are called: - MIST8_VDA - MIST20_VDA - MIST8_RNS - MIST20_RNS - MIST8_FNS - MIST20_FNS The covariates are named as follows in the file: - Age: numeric - Gender: str (male/female/non-binary, prefer not to say, other). The variable used in the analyses is Gender_simple (0 male, 1 female) - Education: numeric (1-6) - Political ideology: Political_ideology (1 = very liberal, 7 = very conservative) - Political party (US): Political_party (Democrat/Republican/Independent) - US region of residence: US_Region (Mid-West/North-East/South/West) - How often people check the news: News_checking (1 = never, 5 = daily) - How often people use social media: Social_media_use (1 = never, 5 = daily) - Actively open-minded thinking: AOT (numeric) - Cognitive Reflection Test performance: CRT (numeric) - Numeracy test performance: Numeracy (numeric)