RigaID: Subject number time: 1 (t1); 2 (t2) Year: Fiscal year After_tax_income: Income for the specific fiscal year, after taking taxes into account Income: Cleaned values for the after tax income variable Diff_by_year: Difference in Income between t1 and t2 Difference: Difference between After_tax_income and Income for the specific fiscal year Before_tax_income: Income for the specific fiscal year, before taking taxes into account Gender: M (male); F (female) Region_NS: Location of the respondent (either North or Center/South) Year_Birth: Year in which the subject was born Contribution_perc: Percentage of after-tax income contributed to the fund Base.nudge: 0 (contributed 10%); 1 (contributed 11-20%) Contribution_euro: Amount of money contributed to the fund Age: subject’s age Yield: Overall amount of money invested in the fund Year_factor: t1; t2 Gender2: 1 (female); 0 (male) Region_NS2: 1 (North); 0 (Center/South) Base.nudge_cat: 10% (contributed 10%); > 10% (contributed more than 10%)