*************** Here we define the key variables in the dataset: *************** -PO, POC and POnoC contain the marginal and conditional probabilities of the outcome, P(O), P(O|C) and P(O|~C), for all trials. -POAmb, POCAmb, POnoCAmb contain the equivalent information, but for ambiguous trials only. -POnoAmb, POCnoAmb, POnoCnoAmb contain the equivalent information, but for non-ambiguous trials only. -DP, DPAmb, and DPnoAmb are the values of the DeltaP index computed for all trials, ambiguous trials, and non-ambiguous trials. -CellT01 to CellT40 contain the cell type (a, b, c, d) for each trial. Ambiguous trials are represented as "AmbiguoClave" (cue-present ambiguous trials) and "AmbiguoNoClave" (cue-absent ambiguous trials).