Specification of data variables Exp.1_Behavioral - Sbj: Participant’s code - CRT: CRT score (number of correct responses in the Cognitive Reflection Test) - Raven: APM Raven score (number of correct responses in the APM) - Fspan: Forward digit span (number of recalled items) - Bspan: Backward digit span (number of recalled items) - Nback: N-back score (proportion of correct responses in the N-back task) - Z_CRT: Standardized CRT score - Z_Raven: Standardized APM raven score - Z_Fspan: Standardized Forward digit span - Z_Bspan: Standardized Backward digit span - Z_Nback: Standardized N-back score - Nash: Proportion of Nash equilibrium responses - Z_Nash: Standardized proportion of Nash equilibrium responses - Nash_DSS: Proportion of Nash equilibrium responses in DSS games - Z_Nash_DSS: Standardized proportion of Nash equilibrium responses in DSS games - Nash_DSO: Proportion of Nash equilibrium responses in DSO games - Z_Nash_DSO: Standardized proportion of Nash equilibrium responses in DSO games - Strategic_IQ: Individual strategic IQ - Z_Strategic_IQ: Standardized individual strategic IQ Exp.1_Eyetracking - Sbj: Participant’s code - Own within_all: Mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in all games - Own between_all: Mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in all games - Other within_all: Mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in all games - Other between_all: Mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in all games - Intra-cell_all: Mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in all games - Z_Own within_all: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in all games - Z_Own between_all: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in all games - Z_Other within_all: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in all games - Z_Other between_all: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in all games - Z_Intra-cell_all: Standardized mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in all games - Own within_DSS: Mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in DSS games - Own between_DSS: Mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in DSS games - Other within_DSS: Mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in DSS games - Other between_DSS: Mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in DSS games - Intra-cell_DSS: Mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in DSS games - Z_Own within_DSS: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in DSS games - Z_Own between_DSS: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in DSS games - Z_Other within_DSS: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in DSS games - Z_Other between_DSS: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in DSS games - Z_Intra-cell_DSS: Standardized mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in DSS games - Own within_DSO: Mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in DSO games - Own between_DSO: Mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in DSO games - Other within_DSO: Mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in DSO games - Other between_DSO: Mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in DSO games - Intra-cell_DSO: Mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in DSO games - Z_Own within_DSO: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions in DSO games - Z_Own between_DSO: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions in DSO games - Z_Other within_DSO: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions in DSO games - Z_Other between_DSO: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions in DSO games - Z_Intra-cell_DSO: Standardized mean proportion of intra-cell transitions in DSO games Exp.1_by_trial - Sbj: Participant’s code - Trial: experimental trial - Game: game code - Game type: DSS or DSO game - Nash: response in accordance with Nash equilibrium (1) or not (0). - Own within: Proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Own between: Proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Other within: Proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Other between: Proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Intra-cell: Proportion of intra-cell transitions - Z_Own within: Standardized proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Own between: Standardized proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Other within: Standardized proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Other between: Standardized proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Intra-cell: Standardized proportion of intra-cell transitions Exp.2_Aggregate - Sbj: Participant’s code - CRT: CRT score - Own within: Mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Own between: Mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Other within: Mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Other between: Mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Intra-cell: Mean proportion of intra-cell transitions - Z_Own within: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Own between: Standardized mean proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Other within: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Other between: Standardized mean proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Intra-cell: Standardized mean proportion of intra-cell transitions - Nash: Proportion of equilibrium responses - L1: Proportion of responses in accordance with the L1 model - L2: Proportion of responses in accordance with the L2 model - Z_Nash: Standardized proportion of equilibrium responses - Z_L1: Standardized proportion of responses in accordance with the L1 model - Z_L2: Standardized proportion n of responses in accordance with the L2 model - Strategic_IQ: Individual strategic IQ - Z_Strategic_IQ: Standardized individual strategic IQ Exp.2_by_trial - Sbj: Participant’s code - Game: game code - Game type: 2-steps (solution with 2 steps of iterated dominance), 3/4 –steps (solution with 3 or 4 steps of iterated dominance) and no dominance (unique Nash without dominant strategies). - Nash: response in accordance with Nash equilibrium (1) or not (0). - L1: response in accordance with the L1 model (1) or not (0). - L2: response in accordance with the L2 model (1) or not (0). - Own within: Proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Own between: Proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Other within: Proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Other between: Proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Intra-cell: Proportion of intra-cell transitions - Z_Own within: Standardized proportion of own-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Own between: Standardized proportion of own-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Other within: Standardized proportion of other-payoffs within-action transitions - Z_Other between: Standardized proportion of other-payoffs between-action transitions - Z_Intra-cell: Standardized proportion of intra-cell transitions