Study 1 (both files): id: subject ID trial: trial # rt: response time in seconds choice: =1 if sure option chosen, = 0 if risky option (50/50 lottery) chosen win: winning amount in the 50/50 lottery loss: losing amount in the 50/50 lottery sure: amount in the sure option Study 2: subject: subject ID delay: delay for the delayed amount in days amount: the delayed amount in dollars choice: = 1 if delayed amount chosen, = 0 if today amount ($25) chosen rt: response time in seconds Study 3: id: subject ID uself: unfair option, amount for self (subject) fself: fair option, amount for self (subject) uother: unfair option, amount for other (receiver) fother: fair option, amount for other (receiver) choice: = 1 if unfair option chosen, = 0 if fair option chosen rt: response time in milliseconds