The data is organized for both experiments as follows: Train.csv lists the data for each training trial for each participants during the training phase, Test.csv lists respectively the data for each test trial and each participant. Justifications (and Verbalizations for Exp. 1) are stored in the subfolder Just, separately for each participant with "Multjust (participant number) .txt" indicating justifications and "Multcues (participant number) .txt" indicating verbalizations in the multiplicative task. For Experiment 2, the respective filename for justification data is "Addjust (participant number) .txt". Train.csv: Subj = Participant number Gender: 1 = female Age Cond: Justification condition with 1 = justification; 2 = Verbalization, and 3 = control Trial = Trial number Stim = File name extension of the respective bugs, participants saw. Criterion= correct toxicity in each trial Response = Participant's judgment of the bug's toxicity Cue1-Cue4: Cue values of the training object time: Time it took participants to type in their judgment (in seconds) timefeedback: Time participants took to encode the correct toxicity Points: Total points earned Blocknr: Number of the training block Conf: Confidence in the judgment, measured as ml of toxicity away from correct toxicity Conftime: Time it took to make the confidence judgment Test.csv: Subj = Participant number Gender: 1 = female Age Cond: Justification condition with 1 = justification; 2 = Verbalization, and 3 = control Trial = Trial number in Test Stim = File name extension of the respective bugs, participants saw. Criterion= correct toxicity in each trial Response = Participant's judgment of the bug's toxicity Cue1-Cue4: Cue values of the training object time: Time it took participants to type in their judgment (in seconds) Points: Total points earned Blocknr: Number of the test block Conf: Confidence in the judgment, measured as ml of toxicity away from correct toxicity Conftime: Time it took to make the confidence judgment Multjust files (and Addjust files, respectively); Justifications are in German The first line always represents the properties of the trial, the second line states the justification the participant gave Vpnnummer: Participant number Geschlecht/Gender: 1 = female Alter / Age Bedingung / Condition: Justification condition = 1 Trialnr: Trial number in Training Stim = File name extension of the respective bugs, participants saw. Criterion= correct toxicity in each trial Response = Participant's judgment of the bug's toxicity Cue1-Cue4: Cue values of the training object Multcues files Vpnnummer: Participant number Geschlecht/Gender: 1 = female Alter / Age Bedingung / Condition: Justification condition = 1 Trialnr: Trial number in Training Stim = File name extension of the respective bugs, participants saw. Beine / Legs: mg of toxicity participants assigned to the cue "Legs" Fluegel / Wings: mg of toxicity participants assigned to the cue "Wings" Fuehler / Antennae: mg of toxicity participants assigned to the cue "Antennae" Punkte / Spots on the back: mg of toxicity participants assigned to the cue "Spots" trialtime: time to enter all toxicity levels for all cues (in seconds)