Experiment 1 1. Subno: subject number 2. Maximum: it indicates the experimental condition whether equal distribution creates maximum joint outcome or not. 0-no, 1-yes. 3. Group: it indicates the other partner's choices: 1: the other partner chose equal distribution in all the 10 items. 2: the other partner chose equal distribution in 5 trials and the pro-self options in the other 5 trials. 3: the other partner always chose the pro-self options. 4. Groupdummy1, Groupdummy2: these are two dummy variables created to represent the groups. 5. Gender: participants' gender: 0-male, 1-female. 6. Age: participants' ages in years. 7. Cooperate: the number of equal options chosen by participants. 8. Individual: the number of pro-self options chosen by participants. 9. Conpete (should be compete): the number of competitive options chosen by participants 10. Warm1, Warm2, Warmth3, and Warmth4 are the four items measuring warmth: sociable, caring, unfriendly (reversed), and insensitive (reversed), respectively. 11. Competence1-Competence 4 are the four items measuring competence: capable, skilled, lazy (reversed) and disorganized (reversed), respectively. 12. Maxdummy1, Maxdummy2 are the products of maximum and group dummies. Experiment 2 1. Subno: subject number 2. Maxjoint: it indicates the experimental condition whether equal distribution creates maximum joint outcome or not. 0-no, 1-yes. 3. Prosocial: it indicates whether the other partner's chose equal distribution: 1: the other partner chose equal distribution in all the 10 items. 0: the other partner always chose the pro-self options. 4. Self1, Other1 to Self15, Other15, participants' reactions on the SVO slider measure. Self* represents the amount of points allocated to the self. Other* represents the amount of points allocated to the other. 5. Warm1-Warm4, Competence1-Competence4: measures of warmth and competence as in Experiment A 6. Choice1-Choice10, participants' reactions on the 10 triple-dominance scale. 1 represents choosing equal option, 2 represents choosing pro-self option, 3 represents choosing competitive option. 7. Choosepro, the number of equal options chosen by participants. 8. Chooseself, the number of pro-self options chosen by participants. 9. Gender: participants' gender: 0-male, 1-female. 10. Age: participants' ages in years. The remaining variables are calculated based on the raw data. SVO: SVO value calculated based on the six primary items of the SVO slider measure SVO degree: angle calculated based on SVO. The larger the angle, the higher the prosocal tendency. unequal1, nomaxjoint1-unequal9, nomaxjoint9, represent distance to maximum joint output and distance to equality in distribution representatively. Preferjoint: it indicates to what extent an individual prefers joint outcome to equality, which is calculated based on unqual1-nomaxjoint9. filter_$: to select only those categorized as prosocial (because preferences for joint outcome can only be calculated among prosocials).