Description of Data: Experiment 1 ## subject_nr: id of subject ## trial: trial number ## Item1: item (city, celebrity name or river) displayed on left side of screen at given trial ## Item2: item displayed on right side of screen at given trial ## Rank1/2: rank of Item (higher rank means a higher value on criterion) ## Rank2: rank of Item2 ## Response: participant's response at given trial ## RecStatus1/2: recognition status for corresponding item-subject ## RT1/RT2: response latency of recognition judgment for corresponding item-subject ## CorrectResponse: item with higher rank for a given trial ## Accurarcy: accuracy of participant's response Description of Data: Experiment 2 ## subject_nr: id of subject ## trial: trial number ## Item1: item (city, celebrity name or river) displayed on left side of screen at given trial ## Item2: item displayed on right side of screen at given trial ## Rank1/2: rank of Item (higher rank means a higher value on criterion) ## Rank2: rank of Item2 ## Response: participant's response at given trial ## CorrectResponse: item with higher rank for a given trial ## Accurarcy: accuracy of participant's response ## Bin: latency bin for corresponding Item - subject ## RT: response latency of decision for corresponding trial-subject ## RT1/RT2: response latency of recognition judgment for corresponding item-subject ## RecStatus1/2: recognition status for corresponding item-subject ## Category: model category for corresponding trial-subject