Participant: Participant ID DistanceSS: number of fields from Avatar to SS Option DistanceLL: number of fields from Avatar to LL Option RewardSS: credits for SS Option RewardLL: credits for LL Option Choice SS/LL: 1 = SS choice, 2 = LL choice Valid trial: 1 = Participant started trial with mouse within the field of the avatar and participant did not change mind after first movement Attractive chosen: 1 = Choice of the attractive/advantagous option according to the choice model Difficulty: Distance of choice option to the indifference point; 1 = Near to indifference point --> difficult trial; 2 = far from indifference points --> easy trial Mouse Mean Deviation: Mean deviation of mouse movements to the alternative (unchosen) option Mouse Movements 1-33: time slices of mouse movement deviations from straight line