Description of the survey variables in the database awareness 1= you are certain you live in a flood-prone area, 2= you think you live in a flood-prone area, 3= you think you do not live in a flood-prone area, 4= you are certain you do not live in a flood-prone area, 5= you have no idea percfloodprob 1/perceived flood frequency. Missing observations include "not sure" answers. climatechange 1=increase, 2=no impact, 3=decrease, 4=not sure, 5=don't believe in climate change thresholdofconcern 1=respondent thinks that the flood probability is below her/his threshold level of concern, 2=it is above this threshold, 3=not sure worry 1= respondent strongly agrees with the statement "I am worried about the danger of a flood at my current residence", 2=agrees, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 4=disagree, 5=strongly disagree, 6=not sure trust 1=completely trusts government's flood risk management, 2= trust them somewhat, 3= not trust them very much, 4= not trust them at all, 5=don't know floodprob100 1=flood probability is as often as 1/100, 2=more often, 3=less often, 4=not sure bestguessfloodfreq best guess estimate of the flood frequency expdamage the damage that a respondents expects that a flood would cause on their home and contents (in $) FEMA100 1=respondent is located in the FEMA 1/100 year flood zone, 0=otherwise FEMA 500 1=respondent is located in the FEMA 1/500 year flood zone, 0=otherwise floodsexp number of times that the respondent has been flooded in the past flooddamage damage that the respondent experienced during his/her last flood in $ female 1= female, 0=male age age in years income household income in thousand $ education highest education level is 1=some high school, 2=high school graduate, 3=college graduate, 4=some college, 5=post graduate, 6=refused beta 1=respondent has a major in math, science or technology fields, 0=otherwise Note: The copyrighted indicators of the flood risk model are not in the database. For this we direct the interested reader to: Aerts, J. C. J. H., Botzen, W. J. W., Emanuel, K., Lin, N., De Moel, H., & Michel-Kerjan, E. (2014). Evaluating flood resilience strategies for coastal mega-cities. Science, 344, 473-475.