CRT scores crt1_raw: subject's response to CRT question 1 crt2_raw: subject's response to CRT question 2 crt3_raw: subject's response to CRT question 3 crt1_right1_wrong0: correct answer to CRT question 1 is coded as 1, incorrect responses are coded as 0 crt2_right1_wrong0: correct answer to CRT question 2 is coded as 1, incorrect responses are coded as 0 crt3_right1_wrong0: correct answer to CRT question 3 is coded as 1, incorrect responses are coded as 0 crt_total_right: sum of the number of correct CRT responses (range from 0 to 3) Political attitudes ideology_slider: subject's response to how strongly they identify as conservative or liberal on a 0 to 100 scale (higher scores = more conservative) Specific policy attitudes for Studies 1, 3, and 4: All are responses on a 7-point scale of how much the subject agrees(1) or disagrees(7) with the item. It is noted in parentheses the ideological direction responses are going to from 1 to 7 in the original coding. healthcare: government arranged healthcare (liberal to conservative) welfare: increased welfare spending (liberal to conservative) regulate_business: government regulation of business (liberal to conservative) lower_taxes: lower taxes (conservative to liberal) small_govt: small government (conservative to liberal) global_warming: global warming is caused by humans (liberal to conservative) foreign_aid: foreign aid (liberal to conservative) pacifism: pacifism (liberal to conservative) gun_rights: protection of gun rights (conservative to liberal) illegal_immigration: stopping illegal immigration (conservative to liberal) death_penalty: death penalty (conservative to liberal) torture_terrorists: allowing the torture of terrorism suspects (conservative to liberal) military_spending: increase military spending (conservative to liberal) premarital_sex: premarital sex (liberal to conservative) abortion: abortion rights (liberal to conservative) evolution: evolution (liberal to conservative) biblical_truth: biblical truth (conservative to liberal) stemcell_research: stem cell research (liberal to conservative) pray_school: school prayer (conservative to liberal) abstinence_only_edu: abstinence only education (conservative to liberal) Several attitude items were recoded so that higher scores indicated a more conservative attitude. lower_taxes_recode (liberal to conservative) small_govt_recode (liberal to conservative) gun_rights_recode (liberal to conservative) illegal_immigration_recode (liberal to conservative) death_penalty_recode (liberal to conservative) torture_terrorists_recode (liberal to conservative) military_spending_recode (liberal to conservative) biblical_truth_recode (liberal to conservative) pray_school_recode (liberal to conservative) abstinence_only_edu_recode (liberal to conservative) Specific policy attitudes for Study 2: abortion: abortion being legal if pregnancy would hurt the woman (liberal to conservative gay_marriage: same sex couples should be allowed to marry (liberal to conservative) pray_school: prayer should not be allowed in schools (liberal to conservative) welfare: welfare spending should be increased, stay the same, or decreased (liberal to conservative) regulate_business: government should keep prices under control (conservative to liberal) healthcare: should there be a government insurance plan that would cover all medical expenses, only private medical insurance plans, or something in between (liberal to conservative) military_spending: should government greatly decrease defense spending, increase it, or something in between (liberal to conservative) death_penalty: the death penalty (conservative to liberal) torture_terrorists: torture of suspected terrorists (conservative to liberal) Recoded variables for study 2: regulate_business_recode (liberal to conservative) death_penalty_recode (liberal to conservative) torture_terrorists_recode (liberal to conservative) Indices Study 1 issue_index: sum of all political attitudes (all coded so that higher scores indicate more conservative attitudes). moral_issue_scale: sum of moral attitudes (premarital_sex, gay_marriage, abortion, evolution, biblical_truth_recode, stemcell_research, school_pray_recode, abstinence_only_edu_recode) economic_issue_scale: sum of economic attitudes (healthcare, welfare, regulate_business, foreign_aid) punish_issue_scale: sum of punish-related attitudes (death_penalty_recode, military_spending_recode, torture_terrorists_recode, illegal_immigration_recode) Indices Study 2 issue_index: sum of all political attitudes (all coded so that higher scores indicate more conservative attitudes) moral_issue_scale: sum of moral issues (abortion, gay_marriage, school_pray) economic_issue_scale: sum of econ issues (regulate_business_recode, healthcare, welfare) punish_issue_scale: sum of punishment-related issues (death_penalty_recode, torture_terrorists_recode, military_spending) Indices Study 3 issue_index: sum of all political attitudes (all coded so that higher scores indicate more conservative attitudes). moral_issue_scale: sum of moral attitudes (premarital_sex, gay_marriage, abortion, evolution, biblical_truth_recode, stemcell_research, school_pray_recode, abstinence_only_edu_recode) economic_issue_scale: sum of economic attitudes (healthcare, welfare, regulate_business, small_govt_recode, lower_taxes_recode) punish_issue_scale: sum of punish-related attitudes (death_penalty_recode, military_spending_recode, torture_terrorists_recode, illegal_immigration_recode) Indices Study 4 issue_index: sum of all political attitudes (all coded so that higher scores indicate more conservative attitudes). moral_issue_scale: sum of moral attitudes (premarital_sex, gay_marriage, abortion, evolution, biblical_truth_recode, stemcell_research, school_pray_recode, abstinence_only_edu_recode) economic_issue_scale: sum of economic attitudes (healthcare, welfare, regulate_business, small_govt_recode) punish_issue_scale: sum of punish-related attitudes (gun_rights_recode, death_penalty_recode, torture_terrorists_recode, illegal_immigration_recode) Subject's assigned condition Study 1 condition: 1 = control; 2 = intuitive; 3 = individual differences experimental_condition: 1 = control; 2 = intuitive Study 2 condition: 1 = intuitive; 2 = reflective; 3 = control Study 3 condition: 1 = control; 2 = intuitive; 3 = reflective Study 4 condition: 1 = reflective; 0 = control