Structure: Each row of the data file is a single interaction where the participant could punish another player. As there were four automated players, there were four such interactions per round. Therefore there are four rows per round in the data file (each with identical round number and information about the participant's contribution behavior). Column Headings: subjID: ID number assigned to the subject subInt: Intended contribution for the subject in this round subAct: Actual contribution for the subject in this round subGain: Total gain for the subject in this round round: Round number phase: Phase 1 or phase 2 of the experiment; in phase 1 only the participant could punish, in phase 2 the automated players also punished. Not applicable to experiment 3. bot: ID for the automated player, 1-4 (corresponding to the order from top to bottom that the players were displayed to the participant) penalType: Type of punishment applied. 3 for no punishment, 2 for fine, and 1 for exclusion. In Experiment 1 this will only be 2 or 3. fineAmt: The amount of fine applied if one was applied, zero otherwise. intended: The intended contribution of the automated player for this row. actual: The actual contribution of the automated player for this row. indig: The indignation for the automated player-participant pair for this row. gain: The total gain of the automated player for this row. punCond: Experiment 3 only. The punishment norm condition the participant was in. A 1 indicates actual focused punishment and a 2 indicates intention focused punishment. noiseCond: Experiment 3 only. The noise rule condition the participant was in. A 1 indicates random noise and a 2 indicates additive noise. botType: Experiment 3 only. The contribution pattern of the automated player. 1 indicates an unresponsive contributor and 2 indicates a responsive contributor.