Trialnum: Dilemma number Personal/Impersonal Dilemma Groupings Personal = [1:14, 29] (11-14 dropped in non-unanimous analyses) Impersonal = [15:23] (17 dropped in non-unanimous analyses, 21:23 never used in analyses) Non-moral = [24:28] Difficulty-based Dilemma Groupings Low-difficulty = [4 10 9 20 18 19 26 27 28 25] High-difficulty = [2 3 7 8 1 6 15 29 16 5] Answer: 1 = UTL, 2 = DTL Tottm: total time from clicking start to making a response Lat: time spent within the latency radius Inmot: time spent outside of the latency radius Xflat: xFlips in the latency radius Xfmot: xFlips outside the latency radius (Total xFlips, whichi s reported in the manuscript, is simply the sum of these two measures) AAD Reversals