The first row in the data file are the variable names. Each observation/row consists of twenty variables. The first three variables indicate what type of experiment the participant received. Frame 1 = participants received the past-frame version of games. Frame 2 = participants received the future-frame version of games. Series 1 = participants received randomized series 1 of fifteen games (Appendix D; Series 1) Series 2 = participants received randomized series 2 of fifteen games (Appendix D; Series 2) Version 1 = participants completed the off-line version of the study. Version 2 = participants completed the on-line version of the study. The next fifteen variables represent how much money A should receive for an interrupted game at a certain state of interruption. Each of the fifteen variable names represent the state of the interrupted game in the form of A|B. For example, 3|0 means that player A had won 3 rounds and player B had won 0 rounds at the time of interruption. The last two variables provide demographic data about the participants. Gender 1 = male Gender 2 = female