|Q1 |A bat and a ball together cost 110 cents. The bat costs 100 | | |cents more than the ball. How much does the ball cost? | | |_______cents | |Q2_TP |If you are one of the winners who receive a prize of RM100 for | | |this questionnaire, you can pick between two alternatives. | |Q3_RP |You have a choice between two alternatives | |Q4 |If it takes 5 machines 5 minutes to make 5 gadgets, how long | | |would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets? _________minutes| |Q5 |You have to pay RM100. Would you rather replace this payment | | |through the following alternative? | |Q6 |In a lake, there is a patch of roses. Every day, the patch | | |doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the | | |entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half | | |of the lake? | |Q7 |Do you believe that more or less than 10% of all participants | | |answered all three BMR-questions correctly? | |Q8_OVER|What do you think, what is the percentage of participants who | | |answered all three BMR-questions correctly? | |Q9_CONJ|Consider the following description. “Linda is 31 years old, | | |single, outspoken, and very bright. She majored in philosophy. | |Q10_COV|Please enter a number between 0 and 100, where 100 means “it was| | |certainly urn A” and 0 means “it was certainly urn B”] | |SEX |Sex of the respondents | |COUNTRY|nationality of the respondents | |SEX_N |Dummy variable where male =0 and female =1 | |Q7_N |Answer for question 7 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | | |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |COUNTRY|Nationality of the respondents transformed into a dummy | |_N |variable. 1 for Malaysian and 0 otherwise | |Q1_N |Answer for question 1 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | | |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |Q4_N |Answer for question 4 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | | |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |Q6_N |Answer for question 6 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | | |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |AGE |age of the respondents as a continuous variable. | |AGE_N |age of the respondents transformed into categories. Less than | | |20year, 21-30 years, 31-40 years and 41years and more | |Q1and4 |summing the correct answer for questions 1 and 4 based on Q1_N | | |and Q4_N. | |Q1and6 |summing the correct answer for questions 1 and 6 based on Q1_N | | |and Q6_N. | |Q4and6 |summing the correct answer for questions 4 and 6 based on Q4_N | | |and Q6_N. | |Q1_4and|summing the correct answer for questions 1, 4 and 6 based on | |6 |Q1_N, Q4_N and Q6_N. | |sex_dif|Dummy variable where male =2 and female =1 | |fer | | |RACE_MY|Race combined into 3 main groups Namely Malay, Chinese and | |_3 |Indian excluding non-Malaysian students. | |Q8_OVER|Answer for question 8 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | |_1 |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |Q9_CONJ|Answer for question 9 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | |_1 |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |Q10_COV|Answer for question 10 transformed into dummy variable. 0 is | |_1 |wrong answer and 1 is the correct answer | |low_hig|Correct answer for the 3 CRT question (i.e. Q1_4and 6 above) | |h_3Q |divided into High CRT and Low CRT |