Experiment 1: column titles for ?exp1dyads.txt? and ?exp1individuals.txt? (1) ID (2) environmental structure (1=TTB-friendly, 2 = WADD-friendly) (3) trial number (1:156) (4) choice(=0) or selected cue#(1-6) (5) selected cue-value (1=left, i.e., object A; 2=right, i.e., object B) (6) timestamp (7) choice (1=left, i.e., object A; 2=right, i.e., object B) (8) accuracy of choice (0=false, 1=correct) Experiment 2: column titles for ?exp2dyads.txt? and ?exp2individuals.txt? (1) ID (2) environmental structure (0=TTB-friendly, 1 = WADD-friendly) (3) trial (4) action (0=onset, 1=cue selection, 2=choice, 3=feedback closed) (5) selected cue (1-6) (6) selected cue-value (1=left, i.e., object A; 2=right, i.e., object B) (7) choice (0=left, i.e., object A; 1=right, i.e., object B) (8) timestamp (8) accuracy of choice (0=false, 1=correct) Cue numbers correspond to the order in which cues were presented on the screen from top to bottom. Cue numbers 1 to 6 correspond thus to the following cue validities: Experiment 1 and first phase of experiment 2: validity Cue 1 .53 Cue 2 .71 Cue 3 .60 Cue 4 .56 Cue 5 .65 Cue 6 .78 Second phase of experiment 2: validity Cue 1 .60 Cue 2 .53 Cue 3 .78 Cue 4 .71 Cue 5 .56 Cue 6 .65 Experiment 1: column titles for "exp1descriptives.txt" (1) ID (2) ind_dyad (1 = individual, 2 = dyad) (3) accuracy (percent of correct trials) (4) money (received reward) (5) duration in minutes (6) environmental structure (1=TTB-friendly, 2 = WADD-friendly) (7) Person1.age (age of individual or one person of the dyads in years) (8) Person1.sex (gender of individual or one person of the dyads; 1=male, 2=female) (9) Person1.student(1=yes,0=no) (10) Person2.age (age of second person of the dyads in years) (11) Person2.sex (gender of second person of the dyads; 1=male, 2=female) (12) Person2.student(1=yes,0=no) Experiment 1: column titles for "both1.csv" (1) ID (2) environment (1=TTB-friendly, 2 = WADD-friendly) (3) ind.dyad (1 = ind., 2 = dyad) (4) class.Broeder.Schiffer.4all (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) as 1=take-the-best,2=WADD,3=Tally,4=guessing) (5) adaptive.class.4all (0=not adaptive, 1=adaptive) (6) performance.b1 (performance in block 1) (7) performance.b2 (performance in block 2) (8) performance.b3 (performance in block 3) (9) accordance.adaptive.b1 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 1) (10) accordance.adaptive.b2 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 2) (11) accordance.adaptive.b1 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 3) (12) percTooFew.b1 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 1) (13) percTooFew.b2 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 2) (14) percTooFew.b3 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 3) (15) compensatory.b1 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 1) (16) compensatory.b2 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 2) (17) compensatory.b3 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 3) (18) meanPercCues (mean percentage of opened cues out of 12) (19) class.Broeder.Schiffer.6obs (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) for six cues as 1=WADD,2=Tally,3=chance-corrected WADD,4=log odds WADD,5=take-the-best,6=guessing) Experiment 2: column titles for "exp2descriptives.txt" (1) ID (2) ind_dyad (1 = individual, 2 = dyad) (3) environment order (0=TTB-WADD, 1=WADD-TTB) (4) accuracy_phase1 (percent of correct trials) (5) accuracy_phase2 (percent of correct trials) (6) money (7) duration in minutes (8) Person1.age (age of individual or one person of the dyads in years) (9) Person1.sex (gender of individual or one person of the dyads; 1=male, 2=female) (10) Person1.student(1=yes,0=no) (11) Person2.age (age of second person of the dyads in years) (12) Person2.sex (gender of second person of the dyads; 1=male, 2=female) (13) Person2.student(1=yes,0=no) Experiment 2: column titles for "both2.csv" (1) ID (2) ind.dyad (1 = ind., 2 = dyad) (3) starting.environment (0=TTB-friendly, 1 = WADD-friendly) (4) environment1.3 (in first phase: 0=TTB-friendly, 1 = WADD-friendly) (5) environment4.6 (in second phase: 0=TTB-friendly, 1 = WADD-friendly) (6) class.Broeder.Schiffer.4all1.3 (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) in phase 1 as 0=take-the-best,1=WADD,2=Tally,3=guessing) (7) class.Broeder.Schiffer.4all4.6 (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) in phase 2 as 0=take-the-best,1=WADD,2=Tally,3=guessing) (8) adaptive.class.4all1.3 (0=not adaptive, 1=adaptive) (9) adaptive.class.4all4.6 (0=not adaptive, 1=adaptive) (10) performance.b1 (performance in block 1) (11) performance.b2 (performance in block 2) (12) performance.b3 (performance in block 3) (13) performance.b4 (performance in block 4) (14) performance.b5 (performance in block 5) (15) performance.b6 (performance in block 6) (16) accordance.adaptive.b1 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 1) (17) accordance.adaptive.b2 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 2) (18) accordance.adaptive.b3 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 3) (19) accordance.adaptive.b4 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 4) (20) accordance.adaptive.b5 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 5) (21) accordance.adaptive.b6 (accordance with adaptive strategy in block 6) (22) percTooFew.b1 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 1) (23) percTooFew.b2 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 2) (24) percTooFew.b3 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 3) (25) percTooFew.b4 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 4) (26) percTooFew.b5 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 5) (27) percTooFew.b6 (percentage of trials in which too few cues were opened in block 6) (28) compensatory.b1 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 1) (29) compensatory.b2 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 2) (30) compensatory.b3 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 3) (31) compensatory.b4 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 4) (32) compensatory.b5 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 5) (33) compensatory.b6 (percentage of compensatory choices in block 6) (34) class.Broeder.Schiffer.6obs1.3 (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) for six cues in phase 1 as 1=WADD,2=Tally,3=chance-corrected WADD,4=log odds WADD,5=take-the-best,6=guessing) (35) class.Broeder.Schiffer.6obs4.6 (classification according to Broeder and Schiffer (2003) for six cues in phase 2 as 1=WADD,2=Tally,3=chance-corrected WADD,4=log odds WADD,5=take-the-best,6=guessing)