KEY TO VARIABLE NAMES PtpID - Participant number Age - Age of participant in years Gender - Sex male =1, female =2 Trialno - Position in which critical trial appears in sequence of trials, min = 1, max = 90 Critical - Critical trial or filler trial Slide1RT - Response time to choose item in trial in milliseconds RESPCode - Response of participant; 0 = monfamous chosen, 1 = famous chosen StarsNo - Number of stars as given as "rating" for famous item; 1 = negative; 3 = neutral; 5 = positive Condition - Condition, description labels for above (Starsno) CondCode - Same as Starsno FamItem - brandname of familiar item ProdcategFam - Category of items in trial; 1=Laptop; 2= camera; 3 = phone; 4 = tennisracquet; 5 = headphones Product - Brandname (FamItem) and category number (ProdcategFam) combined RecCorrect - Recognitioncheck (1 = famous brand recognised and nonfamous brand not recognised; 0 = famous brand not recognised and/or nonfamous brand recognised) RTLOG - logtransformed response time (calculated from Slide1RT) Difference - difference score (calculated per participant) in the proportion of choosing the recognized brand between the positive and negative conditions; between -1 to 1