Explanation of variables for disco-measurement-study2-wide-raw.csv pid: unique participant identifier ip: participant IP address; this has been converted to an md5 hash, to protect privacy dateadded: date and time participant started the experiment datemodified: date and time participant finished the experiment numsecs: number of seconds participant spent doing the experiment nummins: number of minutes participant spent doing the experiment failedIMC: number of times the participant failed the IMC style attention check m: measurement method for the discounting task. m=matching, t=titration, d=dynamic staircase gainfirst: did the participant see the gain scenarios first, or the loss scenarios? 1=gains first code: unique code used for mechanical turk gender: participant gender age: participant age marital_status: participant marital status income: participant household income. 0="less than $14,999", 1="$15,000 - $24,999", 2="$25,000 - $34,999", 3="$35,000 - $49,999", 4="$50,000 - $99,999", 5="$100,000 - $199,999", 6="greater than $200,000" education: "What is your highest completed level of education?" ethnicity: "What is your primary ethnicity?" political_affiliation: "What is your political affiliation?" tobacco: "Do you smoke cigarettes or otherwise use tobacco products? If so, how often?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=About once a month, 3=About once a week, 4=Daily, or almost every day resources: "Imagine that you had to pay an unexpected bill immediately. (For example, suppose that you needed an expensive medical treatment that was not covered by insurance.) Considering all possible resources available to you (including savings, borrowing, etc.), what is the maximum amount that you could come up with on short notice?" indifGA: Indifference point for gains at 6-month delay indifGB: Indifference point for gains at 1-year delay indifGC: Indifference point for gains at 10-year delay nonmonG: Number of nonmonotonicities (or perverse switches) for gains indifLA: Indifference point for losses at 6-month delay indifLB: Indifference point for losses at 1-year delay indifLC: Indifference point for losses at 10-year delay nonmonL: Number of nonmonotonicities (or perverse switches) for losses econ: "Have you taken college-level courses in the following subjects? Economics" finance: "Have you taken college-level courses in the following subjects? Finance" math: "Have you taken college-level courses in the following subjects? Mathematics" stats: "Have you taken college-level courses in the following subjects? Statistics" height_ft: "How tall are you? ___feet" height_in: "How tall are you? ___inches" weight_in_lbs: "How much do you weigh? __pounds" exercise: "About how many hours per week do you exercise? ___hours" diet: "Are you currently following a specific diet plan?" 1=yes healthyeating: "In a typical week, how often do you choose your food (the type and/or amount) with health and fitness concerns in mind?" 0=Never, 1=A few meals each week, 2=Some meals each week, 3=Most meals, 4=Every meal overeat: "In a typical week, how often do you eat more than you think you should eat?" 0=Never, 1=A few meals each week, 2=Some meals each week, 3=Most meals, 4=Every meal dentist: "How often do you visit your dentist for a check-up?" 0=Never, 1=Less than once per year, 2=Once per year, 3=Two or more times a year floss: "How often do you floss your teeth?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=Once or twice each week, 3=Most days each week, 4=At least once per day followprescriptions: "When your doctor gives you a prescription to fill at the drugstore (excluding birth control), do you follow it exactly (for example, by going to the drugstore, picking up the medication, taking all of the medication on schedule, and finishing the entire prescription)?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=Sometimes, 3=Usually, 4=Always alcohol: "Do you drink alcohol? If so, how often?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=About once a month, 3=About once a week, 4=Daily, or almost every day cannabis: "Do you smoke marijuana or otherwise use cannabis products? If so, how often?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=About once a month, 3=About once a week, 4=Daily, or almost every day otherdrugs: "Do you take other illegal drugs (such as cocaine or methamphetamine)? If so, how often? " 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=About once a month, 3=About once a week, 4=Daily, or almost every day agefirstsex: "About what age were you when you first had sexual intercourse? (If you have never had sexual intercourse, please enter 0.) __ years old" infidelity: "In the last five years have you ever been sexually unfaithful (sexual intercourse) to a partner?" 1=yes height_in_inches: this is calculated from the other variables. It is height_ft*12 + height_in BMI: this is calculated from the other variables. It is weight_in_lbs / (height_in_inches^2) * 703 creditcards: "How many credit cards do you have? ___ credit cards" latefee: "Over the past two years how many times were you charged a late fee for making a credit card payment after the deadline?" .=NA (don't have a credit card), 0=Never, 1=1-2 times, 2=3-4 times, 3=5 or more times paidinfull: "Over the past two years, how often have you paid your credit card bill in full, as opposed to paying less than the full amount? (Paying in full means carrying no debt to the next month's bill.)" .=NA (don't have a credit card), 0=Never pay in full, 1=Rarely pay in full, 2=Pay in full about half of the time, 3=Usually pay in full, 4=Always pay in full savings: "Over the past three years, what percentage of your income have you saved? (Please include savings into retirement plans and any other form of savings that you do.) __%" gambling: "On average, how many days per month do you gamble money, including visiting casinos, buying lottery tickets, betting on sports, playing poker, etc?" 0=Never, 1=Rarely, 2=2–5 days per month, 3=6–10 days per month, 4=More than 10 days per month wealthfriends: "Compared to your friends who are close to you in age, how much wealth have you accumulated? (Wealth includes retirement savings, stocks, bonds, and mutual funds you own, money in bank accounts, the value of your home minus the mortgage, etc.)" 0=Less than all of my friends, 1=Less than most of my friends, 2=About average, 3=More than most of my friends, 4=More than all of my friends wealthfamily: "Compared to the other members of your family in your generation (such as brothers, sisters, and cousins close to your age), how much wealth have you accumulated?" 0=Less than all of my family, 1=Less than most of my family, 2=About average, 3=More than most of my family, 4=More than all of my family chosefutureR: Did the participant choose the future $200 in the consequential choice scenario? 1=yes chosen: Was the participant chosen for the real payout? 1=yes comment: Optional free comment from the participant, about whether they had any problems with the study.