Run It generates a log file (logAllResults.txt) with all the results in the paper. The do-file also runs some analyses not reported in the paper. Short Description of Variables: File: StudyIChoice ID: Identifier YesNo: 1 - respondent accepted the gamble 0 - respondent rejected the gamble Framing: 1 - aggregated description 0 - segregated description File: StudyICertaintyEquivalent ID: Identifier CE: respondent's certainty equivalent Framing: 1 - aggregated description 0 - segregated description File: StudyIProbEquivalent ID: Identifier Prob: respondent's probability equivalent Framing: 1 - aggregated description 0 - segregated description EnglishCourse: 1 - Observation comes from a Master course (Behavioral Finance) 0 - Observation comes from a Bachelor course (Decision Analysis) File: StudyII ID: Identifier EstimationBonds: Answer to estimation question (bonds) EstimationStocks: Answer to estimation question (stocks) Allocation: Chosen exposure to fund A (bond fund) Treatment: 0 - aggregated description 1 - segregated description ThreeQuestions: 0 - Without estimation questions 1 - With estimation questions