STUDY 1 DYADS Num.Dyad dyad number Dyad.Typ.3 types of dyads 0 = buyer had no tactic; 1 = buyer had anchor tactic; 2 = buyer had other tactic Deal.No impasse = 0; deal = 1 Who.Frst who made the first offer 0 = buyer; 1 = seller amount of first offer Price final agreement STUDY 1 INDIVIDUAL Num.Self serial number of negotiator Num.Part serial number of counterpart Num.Dyad dyad number Gender gender o = male 1 = female Age age Rol.Self role of self 0 = buyer 1 = seller Tac.Self tactic of self 0 = no 1 = yes Tac.Part tactic of partner 0 = no 1 = yes Dyad.Typ.3 types of dyads 0 = buyer had no tactic 1 = buyer had anchor tactic 2 = buyer had other tactic Dyad.Typ.2 two types of dyads 0 = buyer had no/other tactic 1 = buyer had anchor tactic Deal.No impasse = 0 deal = 1 Who.Frst who made the first offer 0 = buyer 1 = seller amount of first offer Price final agreement Pri.Exp participant's expectations for final price Rel.Prof participant's estimation of relative profit Fut.Neg participant's willingness to negotiate with same partner in the future Sat.Self participant's satisfaction with results STUDY 2 DYADS dealnum serial number of deal product product in negotiation sell.con seller condition 0 = no tactic 1 = with tactic buy.con buyer condition 0 = no tactic 1 = with tactic Dyd.Typ three types of dyads: 0 = none uses the tactic; 1 = one uses it; 2 = both use it serisell serial number of seller seribuy serial number of buyer timesec time in second per deal prisell price seller bought the product for pribuy price buyer can sell the product for dealno 0 = impasse 1 = deal price agreed upon price prftsl seller's profit prftslp seller's profit in % pieslcsl seller's % of the negotiation pie prftby buyer's profit prftbyp buyer's profit in % pieslcby buyer's % of the negotiation pie STUDY 2 INDIVIDUAL ser.num serial nuber of participant gender 0 = male 1 = female ser.num serial number of dyad role 0 = buyer 1 = seller tactic 0 = no 1 = yes n.neg number of negotiations participant took part in number of deals participant closed imps.rat ratio of impasses participant reached time.tot total time for all negotiations time.neg average time per negotiation average time per closed deal prof.tot total profit for all deals prof.dl profit per closed deal prof.neg profit per negotiation prof.sec profit per second