FILES Answers1.csv contains the answers (true values) to the questions in the first part of the experiment, as well as the bounds which were provided (or not) Answers2.csv contains the answers (true values) to the questions in the second part of the experiment Part1.csv contains the data from the first part of the experiment Part2.csv contains the data from the second part of the experiment LABELS 1. Question Types "A" refers to the year-estimation questions "P" refers to the percentage-share questions "N" refers to the general numerical questions Answer-labels are in the format Ax, with x being the xth question of type A (and the same for Px, and Nx) Data-labels in Part1.csv are in the format iAx where i = {1,2} refers to the 1st or 2nd answer, and the x refers the xth question of type A (and the same for iPx, and iNx) Data-labels in Part2.csv are in the same format, only that i can now take the values {F,1,2,3,4}. F = final answer, {1,2} = first & second answer of the participant, {3,4} = the two answers from a different participant provided in the Other condition 2. Participant IDs IDs consist of 2-3 letters and a number. Conditions are given by the letters, with numbers only serving as identifiers. Any string with an S in it (CSxx, TSxx, TSBxx) identifies a subject in the Self condition Any string with an O in it (COxx, TOxx) identifies a subject in the Other condition Any string with a B in it (TSBxx) identifies a subject in the Bounds condition Any string without a B in it (CSxx, TSxx, COxx, TOxx) identifies a subject in the No-bounds condition