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Society for Judgment and Decision Making Conference, Nov 15 -18, 2019, Montreal

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The Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) invites abstracts for oral presentations and posters on any interesting topic related to judgment and decision making. Completed manuscripts are not required. Oral presentations are highly competitive; excellent submissions that are not accepted as full oral presentations due to space constraints may be invited to give five minute flash-talks (a short form oral presentation) on Monday morning instead.


The 2019 meeting will take place in Montreal, November 15-18, 2019. The conference will open Friday evening with the Women in SJDM networking event. Featured events include keynote speaker Tom Griffiths, a presidential address by Nina Mazar, and monday morning flash talk sessions, featuring rapid fire five minute talks on groundbreaking new research areas.


The deadline for submissions is June 20, 2019, (the last day of spring). Submissions for oral presentations, and posters should be made through the SJDM website at http://sjdm.org/abstract-review/htdocs Technical questions can be addressed to the webmaster, Jon Baron, at baron@upenn.edu. All other questions can be addressed to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu).


At least one author of each presentation must be a member of SJDM. Joining at the time of submission will satisfy this requirement. You may join SJDM at http://sjdm.org/join.html. An individual may give only one talk and present only one poster, but may be a co-author on multiple talks and/or posters. Please note that both the membership rule and the one-talk/one-poster rule will be enforced.


Travelers from certain countries may need extra lead time to obtain travel documents. Although we are unable to accept talks early, we can provide notification of an “accepted presentation.” This means that you would at least be guaranteed a poster. We can do this because posters are typically evaluated only for content and most are accepted. If you submit for a talk, you would receive a notice of an accepted presentation immediately, and a decision on your talk at the usual time. To take advantage of this option, you should still submit through the regular process, and also send a request to the program chair, Danny Oppenheimer (oppenheimer@cmu.edu). Please note that as this conference takes place in Montreal, United States citizens will need to have a valid passport to attend this event.


The Best Student Poster Award is given for the best poster presentation whose first author is a student member of SJDM.

The Hillel Einhorn New Investigator Award is intended to encourage outstanding work by new researchers. Applications are due June 21, 2019. Further details are available at http://sjdm.org/awards/einhorn.html.

The Jane Beattie Memorial Fund subsidizes travel to North America for a foreign scholar in pursuits related to judgment and decision research, including attendance at the annual SJDM meeting. Further details will be available at http://sjdm.org/awards/beattie.html.


Danny Oppenheimer, Abby Sussman, Barbara Fasolo, Oleg Urminksy, Bettina von Helversen, Hengchen Dai, Irene Scopelliti, and Dan Schley.


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