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The 55th Edwards Bayesian Research Conference

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The 55th Edwards Bayesian Research Conference will be held February 16-18, 2017, on the
campus of California State University, Fullerton.

Presentations at this conference may come from any area related to judgment and decision
making and are NOT limited to Bayes theorem or Bayesian statistics.

Submissions are due by January 9, 2017.

We maintain certain traditions that have made these meetings so enjoyable. As Ward Ed-
wards put it:

The atmosphere is informal, the discussion can get intense, and many of the best debates take place during coffee breaks or in the hospitality suite at the end of the day. This conference is a good place to try out your latest, wildest set of ideas on a kindly, knowledgeable, and critical audience.

Hotel rooms will be available at an excellent rate at the Fullerton Marriott, which is across the street from the meeting room.

Visit the conference website for more information.

Questions can be sent to Daniel Cavagnaro: dcavagnaro at fullerton.edu


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