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Social and Decision Sciences position at CMU

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The Decision Science News editor got his start at Carnegie Mellon University’s Children’s School and is happy to let readers know that the Department of Social and Decision Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University seeks candidates to fill a junior-level tenure track position in behavioral decision research.

Candidates must demonstrate a strong track record and have research interests related to the psychology of judgment and decision making (e.g., social psychology, cognitive psychology, social cognition, emotion, self-regulation, neuroscience, consumer behavior). We prefer candidates who can teach courses in the psychology of judgment and decision making, empirical research methods, or otherwise participate in the department’s undergraduate majors in Decision Science, Policy, and Management. Joint appointments are possible with other units on campus.

The department is interdisciplinary, including psychologists, economists, political scientists, and historians. It has particular research strengths in behavioral decision research, policy analysis, industrial organization, technological change, and computational social science. Current projects and faculty are described at the web site:


Carnegie Mellon University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity employer. We encourage minorities, women, and individuals with disabilities to apply.

Applicants should send a CV, reprints/preprints of peer-reviewed publications, 3 or 4 letters of recommendation, a statement of research interests, and a cover letter to:

Chair, Behavioral Decision Theory Search Committee (Psychology)
Carnegie Mellon University
Department of Social and Decision Sciences
208 Porter Hall
Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3890.

Review of applications will begin October 2nd. Applications received by October 1st are assured full consideration.

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