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SPUDM 2007. Warsaw August 19-22.

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The bi-annual SPUDM Conference run by the European Association of Decision Making will take place in Warsaw, Poland between 19th and 23rd August 2007.

Researchers and students interested in any in any area of decision making or in a related field are invited to participate in the SPUDM 21.

The SPUDM Conferences have a long history and one of the earliest meetings – SPUDM 6 was held in Warsaw. After thirty years SPUDM is coming back to Poland.

The organizers of the upcoming meeting are dedicated to continuing the long tradition of SPUDM conferences status as the primary venue for exchanging novel ideas in psychological and economic decision-making and attracting the new generation of researchers to the field. To this end, we have succeeded in inviting a group of the most distinguished researchers from both Europe and the United States to be keynote speakers or to participate in the panel discussion. The opening lecture will be given by Professor Daniel Kahneman. The keynote speakers are: John W. Payne, Alex Kacelnik and Tadeusz Tyszka.

Submissions of paper abstracts, poster abstracts, and proposals for workshops are invited on any topic in basic and applied judgment and decision making research.

Deadline for all submissions is March 1, 2007.

For more information http://www.spudm21.org

Decision Science News will be covering SPUDM 2007 in all (subjective) probability.